Ace Pillar is committed to creating a happy and healthy workplace. We offer a variety of employee benefits for employees to work in a high-quality environment and enjoy a healthy and happy company culture.
To attract and retain outstanding talents, Ace Pillar abides by labor laws in all major locations worldwide. We ensure that we meet the legal minimum wage requirements. We do not differentiate based on gender, religion, race, nationality, or political affiliation. To offer employees a competitive compensation policy, we adjust salaries based on individual qualifications, professional skills, and performance to ensure fairness and competitiveness.
Ace Pillar's pension contribution applies to the years of service of all regular employees before the implementation of the "Labor Pension Act" on July 1, 2005. It has been fully settled in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Standards Act.
Ace Pillar is committed to creating a happy and healthy workplace. We offer a variety of employee benefits for employees to work in a high-quality environment and enjoy a healthy and happy company culture. We care for our employees and provide various benefits, facilities, and activities beyond legal requirements so employees can feel relaxed while working hard. The welfare fund comes from regular contributions based on revenue and employee salaries. These funds are used for employee activities, children's scholarships, holiday bonuses, travel allowance, wedding bonus, and more.
To maintain a positive and friendly work environment, we promote the prevention of workplace violence. We update relevant information on an ad hoc basis to ensure our employees take note of workplace violence, increasing harmony in the workplace.
Ace Pillar values the physical and mental health of its employees. We provide a relaxing environment for employees during breaks. We have also set up comfortable social spaces and welfare measures.