Ace Pillar is committed to protecting shareholders' rights and interests, and follows the Corporate Governance 3.0 Sustainable Development Blueprint promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission to continuously enhance the company's sustainable development. The company's Board of Directors is the highest governance and decision-making unit. To strengthen corporate governance, the "Remuneration Committee" and "Audit Committee" were established in 2011 and 2019 respectively to assist the operation and functions of the Board of Directors. The members of both committees are composed of all independent directors. Besides, in accordance with regulations, a corporate governance officer is appointed, with main duties including handling matters related to Board of Directors and shareholders' meetings in accordance with the law, preparing minutes of Board of Directors and shareholders' meetings, assisting directors in taking office and continuing education, providing information required by directors to carry out their duties, assisting directors in complying with laws and regulations, and other matters stipulated in the company's articles of incorporation or contracts.