Ace Pillar is committed to sustainable business practices and highly values environmental sustainability. As global warming worsens, we continue to contribute to the country's environmental efforts and comply with environmental protection and GHG reduction policies. Since 2022, we have assessed internal GHG emissions, water consumption, and electricity consumption to monitor our energy use and emissions.
We have also set reduction targets and improvement measures. We have established energy-saving goals to reduce water consumption per capita by 0.25% annually and electricity consumption per capita by 1% annually.
Only the data on activities at the Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung offices are disclosed.
Ace Pillar is an agent, and water resources are not a material environmental issue.
Ace Pillar’s water consumption is 100% tap water.
Ace Pillar is an agent-based business with offices as its primary operating locations. In 2022, the average electricity consumption of Ace Pillar's employees was 2,534.67 kWh, and the water consumption was 15.49 m3. Compared to Taiwan Water Corporation's statistics for the domestic water consumption per capita in 2022, which was 102.186 m3, Ace Pillar's water consumption per capita accounted for only 15% of that figure.
Ace Pillar addresses global GHG issues in response to government and United Nations carbon reduction initiatives, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. We have established a GHG inventory and verification schedule and will provide quarterly reports on the progress to the board of directors.
In 2022, the GHG emissions inventory for Ace Pillar only includes emissions from offices and the logistics center. The total internal GHG emissions were approximately 395.81 tCO2e. The main emission sources were the carbon dioxide from the electricity generation process of purchased electricity required for company operations and the GHGs from gasoline used in business transportation.
Ace Pillar is committed to caring for the environment and implementing sustainability. We are an agent for green products and have established various energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures. Based on the GHG inventory data, the largest source of GHG emissions is electricity under Scope 2 (indirect emissions). Therefore, we will continue to reduce electricity consumption to achieve our internal energy-saving and carbon-reduction targets.
The types of waste generated at the Ace Pillar logistics center are pallets, packaging materials, and paper. Recyclable paper is moved to a recycling area, and the landlord arranges a contractor to handle the recycling. To improve recycling and waste reduction, we use the pallets that suppliers provide for incoming goods as stacking and storage materials for shipments and in-house storage. We avoid using disposable pallets to prevent unnecessary waste.
Smart control panel
Scheduled lighting and air conditioning controls. All lighting and air conditioning can be turned off with one button.
Replace LED light source
Use efficient LED lighting products.
Promote eco-friendly utensils
Encourage employees to use eco-friendly utensils and reduce the use of disposable utensils.
Energy-saving appliances
Use inverter air conditioners
Paper reduction
Use electronic forms to reduce daily paper use.
Ace Pillar has established the ESG Committee and Occupational Health and Safety Management Unit to promote occupational health and safety matters. Employees at each level are responsible for completing their work safely and carrying out various health and safety requirements through green operational activities. To create an accident-free workplace environment, we formulate, plan, supervise, and promote health and safety management. We have also established the Occupational Health and Safety Management Committee to provide recommendations, review, and coordinate occupational health and safety policies. We educate and train new and existing employees on occupational health and safety matters.
Compliance with legal requirements and their respective frequencies
The Occupational Health and Safety Unit conducts regular inspections or inspections on an ad hoc basis to confirm the performance of each responsible unit. The Occupational Health and Safety Unit monitors every aspect to reduce the risk factors in the office environment.
To ensure employees are aware of potential workplace hazards and reduce the risk of occupational accidents, we provide "general occupational health and safety education and training" for new and existing employees. In addition, to increase employees' awareness and prevention management of workplace health and safety, we designate personnel to participate in CPR and AED training, first aid training, and occupational health and safety management training, thereby maintaining a safe working environment. Ace Pillar provides occupational health and safety training for all new and existing employees. The completion rate for occupational health and safety training for new employees in 2022 was 100%.